Monday, May 29, 2006

PC Show 2006


anyone interested in going to the PC Show 2006 this friday[2nd june]?

venue: suntec level 6
hall: 601-603
date: 1st - 4th june[thurs - sun]
opens: 1100hrs - 20000hrs daily
meet: 1600hrs [okay?]

current strength: hong, rui, lueng, ...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Movie:- Da Vinci Code

Dear Dreamers,

Lets go for movie The Da Vinci Code this sunday.
Are you guys okay with it?

pls leave a comment for strength check & the time u prefer..

show: The Da Vinci Code
date: Sunday[28th.May]
venue: CineLeisure
showtime: 2010hrs
meet: 1700hrs
current strength: remus, henry, leo, lex, lun..

Thursday, May 04, 2006


不倫不類的戀愛 得到的結果...
像是什麼數字乘上零 也只會變成零 最後不過是一場空!!!
假如內心不會製造出道德壓力和罪惡感 那麼玩得起的人就去...
拿不起放不下 用真感情陷進去的人 就會造成傷害-_-!!
當然 那是因為 他們體會的痛苦 絕對是比其中的幸福熟悉的多...